
First Self-Driving KrAZ Vehicle: First Smart Ukrainian Vehicle

06 October, 2016

Self-driving KrAZ truck is ready to come into service. All the adjustment and test works on self-driving KrAZ vehicle are over.

The first national smart special vehicle is based on the KrAZ-Spartan military armored vehicle. This trailblazing for our country project is a result of strong partnership between the only Ukrainian manufacturer of trucks “AutoKrAZ” and “Infocom Ltd”, a company headquartered in Zhaporozhye. 


The national Pilotdrive system mounted on the KrAZ-Spartan is provided with a series of special sensors used for detecting the surrounding environment. The system uses an infrared camera with automated targeting and acquisition system, video camera with 360-degree field of view, front and rear radars for obstacle detection, distance measuring device, intelligent presence sensor with detection range of 18 m. Pilotdrive system helps the KrAZ-Spartan vehicle measure width of road and detect obstacles around. Analysis and decision system responds in the split second and the vehicle can immediately avoid obstacles.

The self-driving KrAZ-Spartan vehicle is controlled using a tablet, “smart glove” or operator station.

Real-time data are provided to vehicle through WiFi/Wimax with range from 10 km to 50 km. In addition, the self-driving vehicle is provided with SmartDrive software and hardware system and Teach-inDrive system, which remembers desired track. Coordinates for basing are transmitted from GPS satellites.

The main objective of creating the self-driving KrAZ vehicle is to help military in combat zone minimize risks and save lives of personnel carrying out various tactical tasks. Self-driving KrAZ vehicles will carry ammunitions, food stuffs, fuel and medicines into the combat zone and will deliver wounded personnel to hospitals.  As a rule, these trips are dangerous because of high risk to be shot down, but shooting down a small and mobile self-driving KrAZ–Spartan vehicle wouldn’t be a simple task. However, even if it is the case, people will not be hurt.

The innovative Ukrainian product, first domestic self-driving KrAZ-Spartan vehicle will be unveiled at the Exhibition Arms and Security - 2016 held October 11-14 inKiev.

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