
KrAZ Employees Celebrate their Professional Holiday

22 September, 2017

Today, September 22, “AutoKrAZ” celebrated its professional holiday together with other Ukrainian machine builders. Festive atmosphere reigned throughout the Day of Machine Builder in line with expectations and the day was filled with a string of pleasant events that started from awarding veteran cards to new veterans of the automobile plant, those who devoted 15 years of their life to the company. A briefing has been prepared for numerous mass media of our town and region, where General Director Roman Chernyak answered to questions of the hour.

Official festive event has been held on the company’s proving ground. The doors of front security gate have been open this day for the automobile plant employees, their families, friends and loved ones. There was no room to turn in at the exhibition: rare and mass produced vehicles, new advanced models of military, agricultural, municipal vehicles KrAZ, including some novelties built in partnership with Kremenchug companies: “Kredmash” and Kryukov Railway Car Building Works.

The main event with awarding, show and songs has been held on the company’s proving ground. Lots of awards have been given to the best employees, about 100 persons on occasion of professional holiday. Honorary certificates of the Cabinet of Ministers have been awarded by senior officials of Poltava Regional State Administration, honorary certificates of the town council and the company, valuable gifts, performance bonuses, corporate decorations such as “Medal of Merit” of “AutoKrAZ” I-IV class and the highest award “Golden Mark” have been awarded by the company’s officers and honorary veterans.

 A really gripping show has taken place on the company’s proving ground: performance of rapid deployment force of Kremenchug juvenile correctional institution, run of KrAZ vehicles on different tracks of proving ground, both solo and in pairs.

KrAZ has excellently celebrated the Day of Machine Builder. We are proud of our vehicles!

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