
KrAZ Vehicles Demonstrate Power and Capability of National Guard

23 March, 2017

National guards of military unit No 3028 in Kalinovka (Vinnitsa region) put on display КrАZ-Cougar, КrАZ-Spartan, workshop trucks and crew buses used in combat zone in Donbass region according to media source Depo.Винница 

National guards in Vinnitsa region celebrated the 3rd anniversary of National Guard of Ukraine by putting on display military equipment.

Modern military vehicles KrAZ have been displayed on Kalinovka square. Except vehicles military men showed anti-air gun and mortar carrier vehicles used in Donbass region to protect integrity and sovereignty of the country.

It is reported that numerous kids were in the seventh heaven! “They could not only look at big and powerful military vehicles but also get behind the steering wheel, turn it, give a honk, climb, jump, in short, they could everything they wished, which is not usually allowed.

According to Head of Moral Affairs Group of military unit No 3028 Mr.Kryzhanovskiy, vehicles on display were repeatedly used in ATO zone. “This is our fighting power that is why today’s exhibition displays equipment we sue to protect Ukraine”, - said the lieutenant-colonel.

“AutoKrAZ” is proud to do everything to male peace and calm in Ukraine as soon as possible. KrAZ staff believes that with these powerful second-to-none in terms of off road ability KrAZ vehicles built by the only domestic manufacturer of truck, Kremenchug Automobile Plant, warriors will protect Ukraine against intervention and repel the aggressor.

Dear national guards of Ukraine! We thank you for your feedback and numerous acknowledgments for Kremenchug military vehicles that saved your lives in combat. KrAZ serves to you and people of Ukraine. 

On the eve of your professional holyday, day of National Guard of Ukraine, we wish you good health, heart’s ease, peace in family circle and country. We thank you for courage, patience and patriotism you reveal while protection sovereignty of Ukraine and peace for its population.  Those who gave their lives for Ukraine will stay in our memories. 


Photo: vn.depo.ua

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