
Veterans Meet at KrAZ that Became their Home and Family

20 April, 2016

KrAZ does not leave behind those to whom the company owes its existence, achievements and success. Veterans are frequent guests of honour at Kremenchug Automobile Plant, celebrations and corporate events.  The Council of Veterans with the support of KrAZ management regularly holds meetings of veterans and congratulates on occasion of holidays.

Traditionally, on the eve of Victory Day KrAZ veterans make a trip to places close to their hearts. This meeting always starts from visit to the automobile plant that became their home. Today, April 20, a large group of veterans of Transfer Case Workshop met at KrAZ.  Former workers have been provided an exciting tour at the company’s facilities. Elderly people visited the new museum of KrAZ history with vehement enthusiasm and excitation, looking through photos with familiar faces, trucks, events and exhibits with tears in their eyes. They thanked the management for the event of great importance for the history of the country, Kremenchug and KrAZ – reconstruction of storage facility for historical collection of one of giant automakers of the past and our time. 


The tour continued to their workplace, transfer case workshop, where veterans had a warm conversation with present day workers, walked around the workshop, everyone could see his workplace. They remembered their old days, rejoiced in the good they see in present days and wished a glorious future.  In the company’s Training Centre the guests were shown the film about KrAZ and at the proving ground they could see power of new KrAZ trucks, giving a big hand to off road vehicles driving through obstacle course. Former workers of the automobile plant also met General Director Roman Chernyak who thanked everybody for great contribution to the company’s success, wished good health and assured that the company’s management will continue to give support and assistance to the Council of Veterans of the automobile plant. 


In the end, a commemorative photo at the administration building and trip to Keleberda village near Komsomolsk, where in 1943 river crossing of Soviet Army that expelled fascists from Ukrainian land was simulated. Following the tradition, veterans placed flowers on the collective grave of warriors and floated flowers on water to honour warriors who liberated the country.

“We are very pleased that the company does not leave us behind, - emphasized veterans before saying goodbye. Thank you for remembrance, care and renewal of youth”. 

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