
KrAZ Celebrates Town Day Together with Kremenchug Residents

25 September, 2017

Kremenchug Automobile Plant has done its share to celebration of the Town Day held this weekend, by displaying its advanced vehicles. The town residents could see two dump trucks: the KrAZ-7133С4 four-axle dump truck with 20 cu.m. dump body and the KrAZ-6511С4 6х4 dump truck with sand spreading equipment made by “Dormash”. The KrAZ-5401К2 garbage truck with skip lift equipment  went on display, too. Except the vehicles displayed by KrAZ on the central square of our town, there was a new street sweeper built in partnership with Kryukov Railway Car Building Works  among other municipal vehicles.  

Local authorities headed by the city mayor Vitaliy Maletskiy checked out new vehicles KrAZ on the central square among other vehicles displayed. Surprisingly enough, they devoted much more attention and time to vehicles of Kremenchug Automobile Plant, they even found the time to get behind the steering wheel of the KrAZ-7133С4 dump truck. The mayor of Kremenchug said that KrAZ vehicle is much more ergonomic than MAZ. A for the road maintenance vehicle built by “AutoKrAZ” and “Kredmash” he said that he would like to see Kremenchug companies manufacturing road maintenance vehicles among participants of bid to be held by the town council because Kremenchug needs them very much. In his turn, people’s deputy Y.Shapovalov pledged to support domestic manufacturer.

Despite a rainy day, the square where the vehicles were displayed was not empty all the time. Kremenchug residents checked out new and advanced models made at KrAZ. Many of them asked: why KrAZ supplies its municipal and winter service vehicles to other cities and town, while nobody purchases them in Kremenchug, its home town. KrAZ hopes that the town authorities will move from words to deeds and large domestic manufacturer KrAZ, one of the largest Kremenchug companies and contributor to budget will  gain support of local community that will place orders for vehicles needed by the town to retain jobs and ensure capacity utilization and maintain social and economic stability in our town.

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