
KrAZ Vehicles Participate at Military Training for Sergeant-Majors of Ukrainian Army

16 December, 2016

“AutoKrAZ” participated at regular military training for sergeant-majors of regiments, brigades, operational command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine held in December in Training Centre No 169 (“Desna”) of the ground forces. Up-to-date KrAZ vehicles used for various tasks in the frontline and rear area have been presented to army men during combat trainings. The domestic manufacturer provided for training heavy armored vehicles КrAZ-Shrek, КrAZ-Fiona and КrAZ-Hulk, the КrAZ-5233 tank truck for carrying drinking water, the КrAZ-5401Н2 refrigerator vehicle.

About 150 sergeants who came from throughout Ukraine including ATO zone checked out state-of-the-art vehicles. Many of them said they had no idea that such powerful vehicles are made in Ukraine and they have seen new KrAZ vehicles for the first time ever. Some of them have seen KrAZ-Shrek and KrAZ-Fiona vehicles in operation; however, according to them, there are only some units at the frontline while old vehicles reached the end of service life a long time ago, they are more under repair than in service.  The military gave a perfect mark to light armored vehicles KrAZ-Spartan and KrAZ-Cougar that were used in the first days of combat actions. According to them, with so many tasks they did not know how to begin but had to do at all price, these vehicles were used for purpose other than intended because of lack of vehicles. Spartans and Cougars had a lot to bear: driving on bumpy fields, broken roads, with extra passengers and equipment, they made trips under any circumstances.  The soldiers confessed that thick armor protected them under enemy fire on a number of occasions.

It should be noted that “AutoKrAZ” never turns deaf ear to the call of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, National Guard or Border Troops to participate at training events held for the personnel. KrAZ is conscious how important it is to have a feedback, an interaction between manufacturer and customer for better combat readiness and effectiveness of the country.

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