
KrAZ Upgrades Painting Equipment and Facilities

08 December, 2016

“AutoKrAZ” has completed works on upgrade of chassis shop painting equipment and facilities as part of energy conservation program and for improvement of quality of its products. First of all, the company has purchased an electric steam boiler with pumping unit and condensate tank.

Boiler output is 450 kg/h, working pressure: 0,6 МPа. Steam generating unit has been mounted and commissioned recently. Its advantages:  overall efficiency of 92 percent, shorter warm-up time due to short piping system, possibility of intermittent operation makes it possible to save 25% of overall steam consumption. This steam generator is switched on instantly depending on energy consumption.  Before new steam generator was mounted, demand for steam supplied by boiler house for this workshop was 1,25 MMkcal/h or 2,5 tonnes/h, with losses through piping exceeding 1,5%.

Except commissioning of steam generator, paint shop area where cabs are removed from conveyor is being moved to new prepared facilities, conveyor has been refurbished with replacement of conveyor section, new conveyor system is provided to deliver parts and units for painting and after painting. Drying ovens have been refurbished, too, with replacement of steam heating pipework and installation of additional protection system for maintaining temperature in oven; in addition, heating system of paint shop has undergone refurbishment (repair and installation of new steam heating pipework). Cost of works performed by the company, including purchase of new equipment, amounts to UAH 500 000, expecting rather poor cost advantage within this year. However, such investments in upgrade of painting shop will bring advantages to the company and its products. New equipment will help improve temperature conditions in paint booth, quality of painting and working conditions for painting shop personnel. Another significant advantage is economy of energy resources (steam) used for heating ovens (drying after degreasing in pretreatment unit and drying of second layer of paint coat.) 

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