
“AutoKrAZ” Congratulates Pupils of Boarding School on Occasion of Saint Nicholas’ Day

23 December, 2014

On December 18, the day before Ukrainian holiday adored by adults and children, Saint Nicholas’ Day, KrAZ workers visited Kremenchug specialized comprehensive boarding school. This day ill, disabled and orphaned children, pupils of this school celebrated this fairy holiday.  

KrAZ workers were very glad with teachers who showed consideration and parental care for each child and children who were very polite and creative.  Officials of “AutoKrAZ” who have delivered a speech of welcome thanked children for invitation, interesting performance, wished good health, fulfillment of their dearest wishes, academic achievements and good ratings. They also wished children to be obedient so that Saint Nicholas comes to see their school family in the next year. 


KrAZ workers did not come empty-handed, they brought with them various presents children always wait for on Saint Nicholas’ Day. Two huge aromatic pies baked with love by bakers of the catering division of the automobile plant, a big mesh ball bag and box of chocolate for each pupil. The children were glad and thanked, teachers who call this holyday “Charity Holyday” thanked KrAZ workers separately.  They said they were touched with care and thanked Kremenchug Automobile Plant, the only local industrial company, that had been receptive to invitation and justified children’s expectations.


The event has been held in the best traditions. Pupils of the boarding school gave an excellent performance they prepared on their own: costume performance, songs, rhymes and dances performed by little and adult singers lifted the spirits of those present.  The event has been held in a warm and homely atmosphere. 

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