
“AutoKrAZ” is Socially Responsible Company Paying More to the State Budget

09 December, 2014

“AutoKrAZ”, the only complete cycle Ukrainian manufacturer of heavy-duty trucks, the biggest industrial enterprise in Kremenchug,  for 10 months of this year paid 1,4 times more in contributions to all budgets as compared to previous year. Since the start of 2014, taxes and fiscal charges paid by “AutoKrAZ” have totaled UAH 117m.

The state budget revenues received from “AutoKrAZ” amounted to UAH 60,1m, which is 1,7 times increase from the same period of previous year. Municipal budget revenues from “AutoKrAZ” also increased to UAH 56,9m.

“AutoKrAZ” is still one of the biggest taxpayers of Poltava region, a major contributor to the budget of Kremenchug, Poltava region and Ukraine. It should be mentioned that revenues of all budgets received from Kremenchug Automobile Plant are constantly increasing. The company’s senior officers consider it as the highest priority component of the company’s social responsibility.  

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