
Open Letter to the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine

05 February, 2014

to the attention of Mr.Vladimir Kozak, Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine  


Head of National Road Agency of Ukraine


Heads of RegionalState Administrations,

Regional Road Services. 

Dear Mr.Kozak!

Dear Heads of the Ministries, local authorities and organizations responsible for winter road maintenance in Ukraine!

Harsh European winters during recent years with heavy snowfalls, snowstorms and icy roads demonstrate clearly needs in big amount of special snow removal vehicles. Lack of road maintenance vehicles and their physical do not allow fighting those extreme winter weathers, though all the road maintenance services are involved.

In view of the current situation, PJSC “AutoKrAZ” offers to provide all the road maintenance services with needed up-to-date multipurpose special KrAZ vehicles with snow removal, spreading and snow blowing equipment. 

We are dedicated to provide warranty and after-sales servicing of our trucks and training for drivers and mechanics, if necessary.

We are open to cooperation and ready to consider the possibility to purchase KrAZ special vehicles on mutually beneficial terms.

When purchasing KrAZ special vehicles you will allow you not only avoiding snow paralysis but also providing support for national manufacturer. KrAZ vehicles provided with snow removal and spreading equipment will clear roads to keep the nation moving. We ask you to prepare roads for winter timely with  KrAZ vehicles.

Best regards,

Administration and staff of PJSC “AutoKrAZ”

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