
Veterans Are Proud with KrAZ Trucks

27 September, 2018

They talked over each other about it at the meeting held today September 27 in the territory of the automobile plant. It has become a good tradition to hold such events for the company’s veterans, because it is an opportunity for former KrAZ employees to relive their youth, talk about everyday life, get more news about the company, etc.  

This time, on the eve of celebration of the company’s professional holiday a big group of former workers of Machine Assembly Shop No 2 gathered.  The program included the visit to the company’s museum, assembly shop with places they worked in former times which brought them together in friendship, watching the film about the company and its present-day products in Training Centre, traditional driving of the truck to creation of which they dedicated their lives on the proving ground and, of course, generous meal in the company’s foodservice centre. Considering their advanced age a bus has been provided to the group of veterans to transport them with comfort across the company’s territory.

The Council of Veterans of the Automobile Plant expressed heartfelt thanks on behalf of all those present to the company’s management team for this charity event so important for retired workers: “We, former KrAZ workers, feel as if we grow young again here. We talk to each other with tears in our eyes, here we spent our young years, made friends, and started families. This charity project revives and inspires us. We feel proud when we see how powerful our trucks are. There are not so many employees working now. We wish our company increase its staff together with increase of orders placed. The company should buzz like a big bee community”, - say former production workers.

During the lunch the KrAZ veterans discussed their visit, shared impressions, sang their favorite songs in chorus together with amateur musical band and were lavish with thanks for care and attention.  

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