
Unique in Ukraine KrAZ Special Vehicle at Poltava Mining and Concentrating Company

16 May, 2018

New special vehicle based on the KrAZ-5401Н2 chassis with unique parameters has been delivered to Poltava Mining and Concentrating Company for blasting operations. New vehicle provided with unique equipment has been made by Kremenchug Automobile Plant in partnership with “Budshliakmash” to fulfill the company’s order in compliance with its requirements.

The МZ-5401 vehicle is used for carrying sand, gravel and refuse up to 40 mm in size to charged holes and for mechanized packing of vertical and inclined drill holes in quarries and trench refilling. It is a feeder in the form of hopper with built-in drag conveyer and band conveyer mounted on the KrAZ-5401Н2 chassis. To direct blast energy properly, drill holes are packed with special material and new KrAZ vehicle will be used for this purpose.

New KrAZ vehicle has not been yet tested in open pit but its advantages have been already appreciated. According to driver of transportation department V.Pasko, which drove the vehicle from “Budshliakhmash”  (Brovaty) this vehicle stands out from other special vehicles for better maneuverability and excellent comfortable working environment, better and better on each next model.

The Company’s Chief Engineer Y.Kisel said that KrAZ vehicle was custom-made to meet requirements of miners. The bumper has bee raised to increase clearance, components of power pack have been coupled in a special way, 4 cu.m. body has been mounted exceeding in volume those or previous vehicles for carrying materials from 5 to 40 mm in size, before the size was only up to 10 mm. It should be noted that operators checked the KrAZ vehicle for maneuverability in advance by sending request to similar model to the manufacturer.  Slew angle of rear travelling belt feeder is 180? to pack drill hole of any complexity, including those in hard-to-reach spots. Prior to fitting special equipment on the KrAZ chassis, it was tested in mine section where it maneuvered between drilled holes on 5х6 and 6х7 tight hole spacing. The KrAZ vehicle demonstrated excellent maneuverability.

What is more, the МZ-5401 special vehicle has hydraulically-0driven conveyors and in-cab controlled distribution box.

One special vehicle is not enough for Poltava Mining and Concentrating Company. Soon, two similar Ukrainian vehicles will be added to the company’s fleet. 

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