
“KrAZ” Showcased its Products to Agrarians of Western Region

24 April, 2018

“AutoKrAZ” showcased the KrAZ-5401С2 two-axle grain carrier provided with own-produced grain body to West Ukrainian agribusinessmen at the 7th edition of the International Agroindustrial Exhibition-Forum Agroport 2018, held April 19-21 in Lvov.

From 19 to 20 April the grain carrier was on display in the territory of Lvov Danilo Galitskiy International Airport, exhibition space was located on ramp and two levels of terminal А. On April 21 KrAZ with other exhibitors moved to Day of the Field held in Sknilov in the territory of transportation company “Trans-service 1”.

The exhibition was held with support from the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine and Lvov Regional Public Administration. The number of exhibitors was about 100, the number of attendees exceeded 3000. The exhibition was opened by Deputy Minister for Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine Mr.Trofimtesv, Head of Lvov Regional Public Administration Mr.Sinyutka, Director of Lvov RPA Agroindustrial Development Department Mrs.Khmyz.

The body of the KrAZ-5401С2 truck on display in Lvov was modified by the manufacturer based on suggestions of agribusinessmen made at Agroindustrial Exhibition Grain Technologies held in February of 2018. The new vehicle features automatically opening tailgate controlled from driver’s cab. Except grain, the vehicle can carry loads on pallets.

Participation in the exhibition has been successful for “AutoKrAZ”. Representatives of West Ukrainian United Territorial Communities have taken interest in new grain carried and other KrAZ vehicles on display at the exhibition. Head of Lvov RPA Agroindustrial Development Department Mrs.Khmyz gave a high mark and spoke positively about domestic-made grain carrier and offered to support domestic manufacturer and promote national product in agrarian sector of Lvov region. Throughout the exhibition the company’s managers took efforts to partner with West Ukrainian agrarians and come into new contacts.    

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