
“AutoKrAZ” Demonstrates Municipal Vehicles KrAZ to Heads of United Communities

28 November, 2017

Today, November 28, “AutoKrAZ” and other machine building companies of our town demonstrated their special vehicles and equipment to heads of communities. Near the Palace of Culture named after Kotlov where the event was held KrAZ exhibited three municipal vehicles: the KrAZ-5401 winter service vehicle, the KrAZ-6511С4 dump t5ukc used for conversion to special vehicles provided with aftermarket equipment for use in municipal sector the KrAZ-5401 gas-powered garbage truck with skip lift equipment. Moreover, there were KrAZ-based municipal vehicles with aftermarket equipment made by Kryukov Railcar Building Works, “Kredmash” and “VLIV”. General Director Roman Chernyak told about performance of KrAZ vehicles, their advantages over counterparts and offered loyal flexible approach to representatives of communities, catering to the needs of customers by making changes to truck design, after sales service, deferred payment and other strong business cases. 

After checking out municipal vehicles made by Kremenchug and Poltava companies, there was a meeting where public procurement of vehicles for town and villages of the region was discussed. Governor of Poltava region Valeriy Golovko who visited this event together with heads of communities said that next year maintenance of roads in the region will be responsibility of local authorities. This involves a full range of works from repair to clearing. Today the communities have no required special vehicles but Kremenchug companies can help resolve this issue. The Governor of Poltava region also voiced an idea of public reimbursement to support domestic manufacturer and promised joint financing of procurement to heads of communities.

KrAZ is pleased to note that Poltava region administration has strong position in support of the regional machine building companies and lobbies their interest on all the levels.

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