
Up-to-Date MLRS Based on KrAZ Chassis Showcased to Supreme Commanders of the Country

07 November, 2017

The Verba and Hurricane Multiple Launch Rocket Systems based on the KrAZ-6322 6х6 off road chassis have been showcased to supreme commanders of the country together with up-to-date artillery ordnance have been showcased to the country’s supreme commanders headed by the President of Ukraine. This event has taken place on the Day of Missile Troops and Artillery on a firing range in Kiev region. The President of Ukraine Pyotr Poroshenko checked out up-to-date weapons and remained pleased with new equipment to go to military units. He wrote in his Facebook post: «With up-to-date weapons our artillery learned to accurately engage the targets without wasting time and shells.

According to our military our artillery “recovered its sight” and can see further where binocular or range finder are useless.  It is pleasant to see the military strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to grow day by day.”

Verba is Ukrainian Multiple Launch Rocket Systems of new generation used to destruct enemy’s personnel, armored vehicles and command posts in combat environment. Verba is a new generation of MLRS Grad. It is prepared for firing 7 times faster than Grad, topographical data are transmitted 4 times faster. Firing, targeting and loading are controlled automatically from crew cab without operator intervention. Ukrainian MLRS is based on the KrAZ chassis made in Ukraine (Grad is based on Russian-made Ural chassis).  

The MLRS is loaded using another vehicle linking up with launcher and reloads new missiles. This vehicle for carrying and loading missiles based on KrAZ off road chassis was near the MLRS.   

Pyotr Poroshenko has also checked out the 230mm MLRS Hurricane built in partnership with Shepetovka Maintenance Works. General Director Roman Chernyak in person presented the combat vehicle to the Ukrainian leader. He said that he was glad to see in parade demonstration the domestic vehicle and equipment based on its chassis standing out from the rest: Verba and Hurricane MLRS 6x6, launcher and loader and command vehicle provided with functional equipment and support of personnel of control vehicles 4x4. The KrAZ-5233 and the KrAZ-255 platform trucks were used for towing cannons of different calibers proved perfect during demonstration shooting.

KrAZ will continue funding development of new vehicles for military, hoping for government support such as awarding contracts for supply of domestic vehicles funded by public money. 


Photo: www.facebook.com/pg/petroporoshenko, defence-blog.com

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