
KrAZ management has congratulated the poetess, the automobile plant’s veteran of labour on her 70th anniversary

19 July, 2017

Пролягло життя, як довга нива –
І тепер, пригадую не раз,
Як прийшла ще юна і наївна,
Як мене прийняв ти — рідний «КрАЗ»!

Ти мене, мов гілку без коріння,
В благодатний ґрунт пересадив.
І тобі я душу, серце, вміння
Віддавала вдячно і завжди.

Я тебе любила не за гроші –
За тепло, за розвиток ідей.
Кузня кадрів тут була хороша,
Де «кували» золотих людей!

Я давно на пенсії, та разом
Із тобою вся душа моя –
І сумую, і радію КрАЗам,
Коли їх, могутніх, бачу я.

У часи такі, найлиховісніші,
Поетичний мій прийми привіт!
Вірю я, що ти, мій «КрАЗе», вистоїш
І не раз іще здивуєш світ!

Nila Volkova, the poetess and the automobile plant’s veteran began the meeting with the frank optimistic poem "To Native "AvtoKrAZ". The former colleagues, representatives of the plant’s management, the council of veterans and the enterprise’s trade-union committee, the current employees gathered to congratulate the woman on her 70th anniversary at the plant museum. There were best wishes, flowers, presents, heart-piercing memoirs, lyrical works and the heroine of the anniversary will remember it just in such a way being celebrated within the walls of her native plant.  

 "KrAZ" became the real family for the seventeen-year-old girl who started working at the plant in 1964. Employees of spare parts workshop were instead of mother and father for the orphan and strongly recommended her to keep study. She graduated from the evening automotive technical school, held senior positions. Our heroine was as the contracts bureau chief in the legal department of the plant till retirement pension.

The seventy-year-old woman remains vigorous, full of strength and inspiration. Despite a hard destiny, she had never lost her optimism and joy, and being on pension, she repeatedly opened poetic talent in herself. She began to write, participate in literary life of Kremenchuk and Ukraine actively. Working at the automobile plant, she devoted herself to her career, the son’s upbringing and the plant’s legal advisor advised Nila Volkova to start writing and publishing her poetry in 2010. Poems in the almanac "Literary Kremenchuk" and the All-Ukrainian book of poems "Anthology of Modern Ukrainian Literature" (Khmelnytsky, 2015), own books of poems "The Lambent Palette of Life" and "Islands of My Memory", recitals for pupils, students of colleges and training schools, performances before veterans are  achievements and work of the "KrAZ" veteran.

"Thanks a lot, I always concerned with "KrAZ", - Nila Ivanovna said to attendees with profound gratitude.

In addition, "KrAZ" always takes care of the people. All of them wrote its history in their own way.

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