
Volunteers and Military Men at “KrAZ”

23 May, 2017

Guess came once again to “KrAZ” on Monday. Ukrainian manufacturer of trucks has been visited by organizers of International Charity Fund Wing of Help, volunteers and military men from ATO.

They went out of way during their trip to Avdeyevka for delivery of relief consignment to visit the plant. The attendees included a founder of charity fund colonel Algis Shimonutis and teacher Nerius Kuntrotas, citizens of the Lithuanian Republic. According to Mr. Shimonutis who is well known in Kremenchug and Ukraine he has wanted to visit KrAZ for al long time impressed by Ukrainian trucks seen not only in Ukraine but also during his business trips to different countries.

The visitors could see the museum of history of “AutoKrAZ” where both during tour and after it there was a lively conversation between the company’s management and visitors. Lithuanian volunteer thinks it is a sin for Ukraine not to use vehicles made by Kremenchug automobile plant. Foremost, it concerns military men, he knows firsthand they are much needed at the frontline. He also said he was astonished by KrAZ product range and saw an opportunity for Ukrainian company for provision of Ukrainian army with national vehicles for a variety of applications to the fullest extent. The colonel confessed that little he did know about such a wide lineup of military vehicles KrAZ manufactured by the company. Except two- and three-axle platform trucks that can be still seen in the army, many different special vehicles are needed. Lithuanian volunteer told about joint discussion with NATO concerning organization of structure for relief to military conflict in the country. What it involves is mine clearance in front and near-front areas of ATO stuffed with various explosive devices. Domestic manufacturer “KrAZ” having tried-and-tested mine clearance vehicles in its lineup and new armored vehicles must be in priority in this program.

Army men, soldiers and officers who came to the automobile plant with volunteers joined the conversation confirming Lithuanian’s words. Vehicles like these ones, they point to scale models of the KrAZ-266 and the KrAZ-260 vehicles in the museum and most of them are in service with military units. Why doesn’t the plant ask the Ministry of Defence: where are new vehicles purchased at KrAZ, why do they buy so few vehicles and they are not used in the frontline. We need vehicles like these ones, they point to photos of Fiona, Shrek, Spartan, Cougar, recovery truck, workshop truck, truck tractor with semi-trailer and so on, we wage war with Soviet-era old stuff, — soldiers say bitterly.

The visitors have been assured that the plant is ready to cooperate and fulfill new orders of the Ministry of defence, National Guard and border guards. Production facilities, experience of many years, proven technologies and skilled employees enable the automobile plant to provide the army with various military vehicles in any quantity. And orders placed by army men will load a lot of work on Ukrainian manufacturer and component-manufacturing companies to advantage of the company and economy of Ukraine in whole.

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