
Palace of Culture “KrAZ” Welcomes On-Stage Performance Groups of Veterans

10 February, 2017

Palace of Culture “KrAZ” in Kremenchug is one of symbols of our town. However, this is also facility associated with youth for many elderly residents. Realizing this, the company’s management addressed need of the Council of Veterans of Avtozavodskiy district to hold talent show for on-stage performance groups of residential districts.

This event is dedicated to 30th anniversary of Kremenchug Veterans Organization. 15 performance groups from across Avtozavodskiy district participated in it.  The hall was absolutely packed and could not contain all those who wanted to listen to songs performed by their colleagues and acquaintances. Veterans came with children and grandchildren. Spectators could enjoy various genres because every participant of contest had to do three turns: solo performance, chorus and declamation.

There were a lot of former KrAZ workers among participants who in retirement created musical bands and perform on stage during various events of their districts. Wearing native costumes, in festive mood, happy to perform on the stage of their favorite Palace of Culture, they energized all those present.

On-stage performance group of council of veterans of residential district No 10 has taken the first place, while the second place has been taken by music group “Barvinok” (periwinkle) of council of veterans of residential district No13, winners have been awarded laureate diplomas.

Chairman of Council of Veterans of Avtozavodskiy district Mr.Zubchenko thanked management of “AutoKrAZ” for assistance and active involvement, good deeds for their veterans, about 5000 persons, such as meetings of generations, various trips, congratulations on occasion of public holidays, anniversaries, etc. Veterans also thanked management of Kremenchug Automobile Plant for preservation of enlisted building Palace of Culture “KrAZ”.

It should be recalled that palace renovation works started last autumn. Despite severe shortage of uncommitted funds shareholders of “AutoKrAZ” decided to renovate this building.   Charity fund established at the initiative of People’s Deputy Mr.Konstantin Zhevago supports them in it. Costs planned to replace roof, utility lines and windows, repair face and pavement around the building and carry out other works amount to about UAH 10m. The company went to great expense as it realizes that PC “KrAZ” is not just enlisted building, it is a very important facility for Kremenchug where residents can develop their creative abilities and spend their leisure time. 

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