
According to Last Month’s and Quarter’s Results “AutoKrAZ” Sees Increase in Production

01 April, 2015

“AutoKrAZ” revs up production month by month this year. March was no exception: the company produced UAH 172m worth of products, almost 103 percent growth as compared to February.

95 trucks rolled off the main assembly line of Kremenchug Automobile Plant last month,  9,2 percent up from February’s figure and almost 42 percent up from previous year’s figure.   

Platform trucks account for 46 percent of the total output, chassis cabs for 22 percent, dump trucks for 11 percent, special vehicles for 18 percent, truck tractors for 3 percent. Most products, 73 percent of the total output were have been manufactured for domestic market, while the rest for exportation.  

This quarter’s results achieved by “AutoKrAZ are rather impressive amid decline in output of Ukrainian automotive industry.  From January through March, the company built 265 vehicles, 38 percent up from the same period of the previous year. This is the best production figure for the crisis period that started in 2009.  

Production plan for this month, April, has been approved and brought to the notice of all the company’s subdivisions. The staff of Kremenchug Automobile Plant is focused on  achievement of planned figures. 

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