
New Governor of Poltava Region Pledges to Support KrAZ

21 January, 2015

During the trip to Kremenchug, the largest revenue payer to the government and industrial centre of the region, Governor of Poltava region Mr.Valeriy Golovko and People’s Deputy Mr.Konstantin Zhevago visited “AutoKrAZ” on 20th of January.  The purpose of the visit of the new governor of Poltava region was to learn about the company and its products. 

During the visit to the company facilities, the delegation has been shown the main assembly line of the plant where General Director Mr.Roman Chernyak told about line assembly process and gave an up-close look at state-of-the-art and mass production models and their performance. 


Then the delegation visited Training Centre with unique  sectioned units of KrAZ trucks, air and electrical system and working mock-up of the KrAZ-6322 AWD truck.

Showing off capabilities of military KrAZ trucks at the company’s proving ground was a very impressive sight.  Visitors could not keep their admiration and pride when watching the KrAZ-5233 and KrAZ-6322 trucks to move over obstacles. These trucks effortlessly negotiated concrete obstacles, went up and down 60 percent hill, over rocks and logs, sand pit and wading through. Governor Golovko could not resist an impulse and had a run behind the wheel of the KrAZ-Spartan and the KrAZ-Cougar. After run he said that these vehicles impress, you feel confident and safe inside but comfortable at the same time.  


Before leaving he emphasized he was very pleased with what he saw and high quality of the company’s products. “I think that all the municipal companies of Poltava region regardless of ownership type should place orders with local manufacturers. Today KrAZ can deliver special vehicles for municipal applications to meet the needs of the whole country and it’s only fitting that KrAZ provides Poltava municipal companies with these vehicles“, - and he pledged his support both at regional and national level. 

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