


JMZ 7511
      [10] Engine
         Cylinder block
         Cylinder head 7511.10
         Cylinders head 7511.10-06 и 7512.10
         Piston and link
         Crankshaft and flywheel
         Distributing shaft
         Valves and lifters
         Inlet manifolds
         Oil housing
         Pistons oil cooling system
         Oil pump
         Oil filter
         Liquid-oil heat exchanger
         Housing ventilation
         Electric torch device
         Centrifugal oil purificator
      [11] Engine feed system
         High-pressure fuel pump drive
         Fuel pipes
         Coarse filler
         Fuel-feed pump
         Speed controller body
         Speed controller
         Smoke puff controller
         High-pressure fuel pump
         Fuel pump section
         YAMZ-7511.10 engine injector
         YAMZ-7511.10-06 and YAMZ-7512-10 engine injector
         Fuel fine filter
         Turbo-charger oil supply and offtake pipes
      [13] Engine cooling system
         YAMZ-7511.10 engine water pipes and coolling thermostats
         YAMZ-7511.10-06 and YAMZ 7512.10 engine water pipes and coolling thermostats
         Water pump
         Drive belt water pump strainer
         Fan and fan casing
         Fan drive
         Fan drive clutch
      [16] Cratch
  Control mechanisms
      [35] Brakes
  Electrical Equipment
      [37] Electrical Equipment
         Generator assy, its fastening and drive
         Starter assy
         Starter relay
      Engines general outline
         Engine with clutch and gearbox
         Engine with clutch
      About catalogue
         About catalogue
      [39] Operating manual
         Operating manual
         Driver! Warning. Specification, general data
         General data
         Operational materials, fuel, lubrication materials
         Main technical requirements. Run-up, operating, shutoff
         Run-up, operating and shutoff. New engine break-in
         New engine break-in. Pecularities of winter operation. Technical service
         Technical service.
         Technical service.Timing of engine
         Timing of engine
         Timing of engine.Checking and adjustment of fuel injection timing angle
         Timing of engine.Checking and adjustment of fuel injection timing angle. Technical service of lubrication system. Checking of oil level. Oil change. Lube table
         Oil change. Oil filter service. Unloading of centrifugal fuel purification filter
         Demounting and washing of lubrication system valves. Lubrication of turbo-charger drive tensioner bearings.Technical service of fuel equipment.
         Technical service of fuel equipment. Mounting og high-pressure fuel pump. Sediment drain from fuel filters.
         Replacement of the fuel fine filter member. Unloading of coarse purification fuel filter.
         Turbo-charger ТКР-9 service. Leak check of inlet duct.
         Leak check of inlet duct. Technical service of cooling system. Descaling of the cooling system
         Descaling of the cooling system. Technical service of electric equipment. Generator. Generator mounting on the engine
         Generator mounting on the engine. Starter service. Starter mounting on the engine. Electric torch device service. Possible engine failures and methods of its clearing.
         Possible engine failures and methods of its clearing.
         Possible engine failures and methods of its clearing.
         Clutch. Safety and prevention requirements.
         Specifications. Arrangement and operating of clutch.