

 Main page | JMZ | JMZ 238 M
YAMZ-161 clutch

Part Number Description Part count in models
50 ----------
1 15.1601082 Support clutch disc ------11--
4 15.1601095 Release lever ------44--
5 15.1601096 Ring ------2424--
6 15.1601108 Yoke end ------44--
7 15.1601109 Adjusting nut ------44--
8 15.1601110 Support plate ------44--
9 15.1601111 Lock plate ------44--
10 15.1601112 Pin ------44--
11 15.1601113 Pressure disc lever pin ------44--
12 15.1601114 Thrust washer ------88--
14 15.1601116 Inner spring ------1212--
15 15.1601117 Washer ------1212--
16 15.1601118 Spring pad ------1212--
17 15.1601119 Centering washer ------2424--
18 15.1601120 Levers thrust ring ------11--
19 15.1601123 Housing with plates ------11--
21 15.1601135 Spring plate ------99--
22 15.1601138 Friction lining ------22--
23 15.1601142 Rear driven disc hub ------11--
15.1601192 Bearing sleeve (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ------11--
31 15.1601195 Deflection washer ------11--
32 15.1601197 Carrier ring ------11--
33 15.1601203 Clutch release fork ------11--
34 15.1601215 Fork shaft ------11--
36 15.1601219 Sleeve with shaft bearing and seal rings assembly ------22--
37 15.1601220 Bearing sleeve ------22--
38 15.1601222 Bearing ------22--
39 15.1601230 Bearing grease hose ------11--
40 15.1601270 Roller ------200200--
41 15.1601273 Spring ------44--
42 15.1601275 Spring hinge ------44--
43 15.1601282 Locating dowel pin assembly ------22--
44 15.1601283 Locating dowel pin ------22--
45 15.1601318 Balancing plate ------1616--
30 15.1601318-10 Balancing plate ------44--
15.1601318-20 Balancing plate (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ------88--
15.1601318-30 Balancing plate (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ------1212--
46 15.1601340 Tie bolt ------44--
47 15.1601342 Plate ------1616--
48 15.1601344 Plate bushing ------44--
2 161.1601090 Pressure disc with housing ------11--
3 161.1601093 Pressure disc ------11--
13 161.1601115 Outer spring ------1212--
20 161.1601130 Driven clutch disc assembly ------11--
24 161.1601143 Damper ring ------44--
25 161.1601150 Damper spring ------88--
26 161.1601153 Damper disc ------22--
27 161.1601167 Disk spring ------22--
28 161.1601180 Coupling with bearing ------11--
29 161.1601184 Coupling with plates ------11--
35 161.1601217 Lever ------11--
54 201452-П29 Bolt ------88--
55 201682-П29 Bolt ------22--
56 201686-П29 Bolt ------11--
49 25 3111 2151 Ring 032-038-36-2-1 ------44--
57 252006-П2 Washer ------44--
58 252135-П2 Spring washer ------1616--
59 252136-П2 Spring washer 10 ------44--
60 252593-П2 Rivet ------11--
61 252595-П2 Rivet ------11--
63 252600-П2 Rivet (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ------11--
64 310054 Bolt ------44--
65 312208-П2 Lock washer ------66--
66 313017-П Rivet ------2727--
67 313018-П Rivet ------1818--
68 314048-П2 Woodruff key ------11--
69 316500-П2 Lock ring ------22--
51 4593481561 Bolt ------1212--
52 4593481602 Bolt ----------
53 70-114 Bearing ------11--