

 Main page | JMZ | JMZ 236 NE, 236 BE, 7601.10
In-line high pressure fuel injection pump fuel supply charged controller

Part Number Description Part count in models
4 11448-П15 Nut 11-11-1----
36 240-1104390-Б Pipe 11-11-1----
26 250508-П29 Nut M6 44-44-4----
50 252134-П29 Spring washer 22-22-2----
25 252135-П2 Spring washer 44-44-4----
27 252154-П29 Spring washer 66-66-6----
52 310048-П29 Bolt 11-11-1----
35 310611-П29 Screw 11-11-1----
40 312325-П15 Washer 11-11-1----
3 312327-П3 Washer 11-11-1----
39 312370-П15 Washer 11-11-1----
34 312482-П34 Washer 44-44-4----
32 318-85205 Bolt 11-11-1----
33 318-85205 Bolt 22-22-2----
45 318-85283 Nut 11-11-1----
11 318-85418 Washer 44-44-4----
8 42.1111902 Screw stopper assy 11-11-1----
7 421.1110786-10 Corrector valve 11-11-1----
19 421.1110800 Corrector piston 11-11-1----
14 421.1110802 Piston spring 11-11-1----
6 421.1110826-20 Corrector spring 11-11-1----
5 421.1110828-11 Diaphragm body 11-11-1----
2 421.1110830 Diaphragm body cap 11-11-1----
17 421.1110869 Corrector housing gasket 11-11-1----
41 421.1110878-01 Membrane 11-11-1----
10 421.1110881 Diaphragm body gasket 11-11-1----
42 421.1110882 Flange 11-11-1----
38 421.1110894 Diaphragm cover 11-11-1----
48 421.1110895 Corrector cover gasket 11-11-1----
46 421.1110897 Diaphragm rod 11-11-1----
44 421.1110898 Rod bushing 11-11-1----
13 421.1110899 Corrector lever 11-11-1----
12 421.1110901 Lever pivot 11-11-1----
421.1110905 Diaphragm spring (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ------1----
47 421.1110905-10 Diaphragm spring 11--1------
421.1110905-20 Diaphragm spring (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ---1-------
22 423.1110378 Flange gasket 11-11-1----
423.1110860-10 Boost compensator device assy (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 11----1----
423.1110860-20 Fuel supply correcting device assy (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 11--1------
423.1110860-50 Boost compensator device assy (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ---1-------
15 423.1110866 Corrector housing 11-11-1----
1 423.1110880-10 Diaphragm body 11-11-1----
49 423.1110893 Corrector cover 11-11-1----
23 423.1110921 Flange 11-11-1----
20 423.1110923 Corrector spacer 11-11-1----
28 423.1110924 Gasket 11-11-1----
21 423.1110925-10 Stop 11-11-1----
30 423.1110927-11 Corrector lever 11-11-1----
18 423.1110930 Stop liner 11-11-1----
16 423.1110932 Liner spring 11-11-1----
29 4595361005 Stud bolt 22-22-2----
24 852010-П29 Bolt 22-22-2----
51 852011-П29 Bolt 22-22-2----
53 852017 Bolt 11-11-1----
9 852212 Washer 11-11-1----
37 852378 Screw 33-33-3----
31 852753-П Pin 11-11-1----
43 852921 Washer 11-11-1----