

 Main page | JMZ | JMZ 7511
Cylinder block

Part Number Description Part count in models
10 200325-П29 Bolt 888
6 200328-П29 Bolt 222
30 200463-П29 Bolt 444
58 200822-П29 Bolt 222
7 200827-П29 Bolt 444
3 201-1005034-Б5 Collar assy 111
47 201-1306075-А Gasket 555
44 201454-П29 Bolt М8х16 131313
20 201499-П29 Bolt 10-6gx30 444
12 216262-П29 Stud bolt 111
11 216344-П29 Stud bolt 222
15 236-1002255-Б4 Unit upper cover assembly 111
14 236-1002258-А3 Block upper cover gasket 111
13 236-1002266-А2 Timing gear cover R.H. gasket 111
2 236-1002272 Gears cover oil deflector 111
19 236-1002282-Б Stopper 111
18 236-1002283-А Gasket and screen assy 111
34 236-1002314-Б Flywheel case gasket 111
46 236-1002315 Oil deflector 111
42 236-1002318 Case hatch cover 111
41 236-1002333 Piston top dead centre indicator 111
48 236-1002404 Stopper 555
55 236-1005140-В Crankshaft front bearing cap 111
51 236-1005152-Г Crankshaft rear bearing cap 111
54 236-1005159 Main bearing cover bolt 101010
45 236-1005160-А4 Collar assy 111
50 236-1005178-А Long tie bolt 555
25 236-1005180-А Short tie bolt 555
26 236-1005181 Washer 101010
52 238-1005156 Crankshaft intermediate bearing cap 333
56 238АК-1002265 L.H. gasket of timing gears cover 111
1 238Б-1002260-Б Timing gear cover assembly 111
238Б-1002261 Timing gear cover (for spare parts) (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 111
4 238Б-1002264-Б Timing gears cover 111
27 238БМ-1111620 Oil drain pipe going from fuel pump 111
238Н-1002015-Д Cylinder block (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 111
49 238Н-1002015-Е Cylinder block 111
37 240-1002333 Fuel injection advance angle set indicator 111
17 250513-П29 Nut 333
8 252016-П29 Washer 666
43 252135-П2 Spring washer 131313
5 252136-П29 Spring washer 141414
39 252137-П2 Spring washer 101010
57 252138-П2 Spring washer 222
38 310044-П29 Bolt 101010
28 310096-П29 Bolt 222
32 310219-П29 Bolt plug M10-1-14 111
53 312304-П Washer 101010
29 312326-П34 Sealing washer 444
33 312482-П34 Washer 111
31 312515-П29 Washer 444
16 312534-П2 Locking washer 111
36 316162-П2 Plug 111
9 7511.1001020 Front support bracket 111
7511.1002011-Д Cylinder block assembly (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -11
24 7511.1002011-Е Cylinder block assembly 1--
21 7511.1002012 Cylinder unit assembly (for spare parts) 111
7511.1002012-10 Cylinder unit assembly (for spare parts) (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -11
35 7511.1002310 Flywheel case assembly 111
7511.1002311 Flywheel case assembly (for spare parts) (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 111
40 7511.1002312 Flywheel case 111
22 7511.1003016 Cylinder head fastening stud M16x249 324242
23 7511.1003017 Cylinder head fastening stud M16x209 16--