

 Main page | KrAZ | KrAZ 6510
KrAZ-6444 and KrAZ-65101 electric equipment

Part Number Description Part count in models
48 11.3704000-0 Switch of preheater injector electric heater (is mounted on trucks equipped with prestarting preheater) --11
73 11.3747010 Relay --66
47 1102.3830010-0 Two-point pressure gauge --11
6 111.3722000 Center fuse unit --11
36 1112.3702010 Pressure regulator --11
20 1112.5208000-02 Electric windshield washer --11
57 12.3802010У-ХЛ Electric speedometer --11
12 13.3839600 Air filter clogging signaling pickup --11
7 15.3723000 Connecting panel --12
37 1502-7904010 Condenser filter --11
99 17.3723000 Connecting panel --1-
94 17.3734000 High-voltage source --11
75 2001.3843010 Electric speedometer pickup --11
25 2212.3803-20 Air filter clogging control lamp --11
24 2212.3803-22 Coolant emergency temperature control lamp --11
22 2212.3803-23 Control lamp of oil pressure drop in engine --11
34 2312.3803010-15 Control lamps unit with diodes --11
30 2312.3803010-16 Control lamps unit --11
103 2412.3716010 Rear fog light --11
11 25.3708000-01 Starter --11
70 250-3715020 Portable light socket 47K --11
88 250-3724062-10 Wire from accumulator to master switch --1-
77 250-3724162-10 Contactor bunched conductors --11
59 2531.3813010 Tachometer --11
79 260-3724050-10 Additional lighting bunched conductors --11
260-3724062-10 Wire from storage batteries to master switch (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ---1
96 260-3724072-01 High voltage source wire (is mounted on trucks equipped with prestarting preheater) --11
81 260-3724196 Parking brake switch bunched conductors --11
9 260-7905010 Generator bunched conductors --11
72 2612.3747000 Starter interlocking relay --1-
2622.3747000 Starter interlocking relay (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ---1
21 32.3710000 Alarm signalling switch --11
32 34.5205010 Electric windshield wiper --11
55 3403.3747000 Isolation diode --11
90 4402.3827600 Fuel-level indicator pickup --22
10 6437-3724012 Lighting bunched conductors --11
26 6437-3724055 L.H. dashboard bunched conductors --11
31 6437-3724056 Middle dashboard bunched conductors --11
5 6437-3724068 Power bunched conductors --11
54 6437-7905012 Electric speedometer bunched conductors --11
40 6444-3724010 Main bunched conductors --1-
38 6444-3724030 Side member bunched conductors --11
6510-3724010-10 Main bunched conductors (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ---1
43 6510-3724057-10 R.H. dashboard bunched conductors --11
76 6510-3724162 Preheater main bunched conductors --11
19 6510-3724268 Motor bunched conductors --11
65101-3724100 Auxiliary bunched conductors (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ---1
87 6СТ-190А Storage battery --22
65 А24-2 Lamp --88
49 АП171А-3811010 Ammeter --11
86 ВК318Б-3704000-У-ХЛ Master switch --11
41 ВК343-3709000.01.08 Cab roof light switch --11
44 ВК343-3709000.01.35 Switch of interaxle differential interlock solenoid-оperated valve --11
63 ВК353-3704000-0 Switch of starter and instruments --11
50 ВК354-3704000-0 Prestarting heater switch --11
82 ВК412-3720000 Parking brake switch --11
58 ВК416Б-3709000-01 Dashboard light switch with rheostat --11
14 Г288Е-3701000 Generator --11
29 КБП-Ф Feed-through capacitor --22
78 КТ127-3750000 Prestarting heater contactor --11
17 ММ111Д-3810600 Oil emergency pressure pickup --11
100 ММ124Д-3810600 Pickup of parking brake system engagement, first circuit air pressure reduction, spare circuit air pressure reduction --33
33 ММ125Д-3810600 Auxiliary brake system and stop signal pickup --21
18 ММ370-3829010-У-ХЛ Oil-pressure indicator pickup --11
27 МЭ250-3730000 Heaters electric motor --22
93 МЭ252 Prestarting heater motor --11
67 П145-3726000 Light and turn indicators combined switch --11
46 П147-3709000.02.13 Fuel level pickup switch --11
56 П147-3709000.04.03 Switch of fog lights and rear fog light --11
45 П147-3709000.04.11 Motor mode selector switch --11
52 П147-3709000.06.16 Road train lights and spot light switch --11
62 П147-3709000.09.09 Electric windshield wiper switch --11
60 П150-3709000.14.10 Electric windshield washer switch --11
15 ПД308Б-3715300 Underhood illumination light --11
84 ПК201-3714010-Д2 Cab roof light --11
69 ПР112-3722000 Fuse unit of lighting circuit and using equipment --22
53 ПР118Б-3722000-01 Fuse, 2A --11
97 ПС300А3-3723100 Plug socket --11
85 ПС315-3723100А Outer start socket --11
98 ПС325-3723100 Trailer power socket --11
104 ПС400-3723200 Portable lamp power socket --11
2 ПФ130-3712010-Б Front light --22
23 РС330-1705000 Antitheft device, interaxle and cross-axle differentials interlocking valve electromagnet --21
92 РС335 Heater valve electromagnet --11
74 РС493-3803010-У-ХЛ Relay-interrupter of reverse horn and parking brake system --11
71 РС530-3721000 Starter relay --11
66 РС531-3721000 Hummer --11
80 РС951А-3726010-У-ХЛ Turn indicator relay-interrupter --11
8 С306Г/С307Г-3721000 Horns set --11
28 СЭ300-8102100 Series resistor --33
13 ТМ100В-3808000-0 Water temperature indicator pickup --11
16 ТМ111-3808000 Water emergency temperature warning device pickup --11
51 УБ170-3806010-01-У-ХЛ Fuel indicator transducer --11
64 УК170-3810010-03-У-ХЛ Oil pressure indicator transducer --11
61 УК171-3807010-01-У-ХЛ Temperature indicator transducer --11
1 УП101-3726000-Б Side indicator or road train number plate lights --22
83 УП101-3726000-В Road train number plate light --33
3 ФГ122-3711010-ВВ1-Э Lights --22
4 ФГ52-3743010 Fog light --22
101 ФП130-3716010-В Rear L.H. light ФП130-B assembly --11
106 ФП130-3716010-Г Rear R.H. light ФП130-Г assembly --11
102 ФП135-3716010-Г Reverse light --22
91 ЭН22.3741010 Fuel heater --11