

 Main page | KrAZ | KrAZ 255
Electric wires, switching equipment and devices

Part Number Description Part count in models
200-3721034 Signal button 1
210-3715010 Portable lamp ПЛ64P1 assembly 1
210-3715020 Portable lamp plug socket ШР51 2
210-3724045-А Bunched conductors between lights -
210-3724050-А Cab roof light wire -
210-3724076 Portable lamp socket earth wire 2
214-3724057 Engine-frame earth wire (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 1
214-3724085 Fuses unit wire 1
214-3724088 Side indicators lamps switch wire 1
214-3724093 Earth wire of side indicators control lamp light 1
214-8102080 Electric motor МЭ205 1
214Б-3724007 Cab fan earth wire 1
214Б-3724008 Cab fan wire 1
214Б-3724057-01 Engine-frame wire -
214Б-3724066 Master switch wire 1
214Б-7904050 Condenser КБПС-40 0,22+/-20% 2
214Б-7905024 Wire from condenser to windshield blower electric motor 1
214Б-8104010-А Cab fan assembly -
214Б-81040110-А Cab fan assembly (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -
255Б-3721026 Signal button wire with contact 1
255Б-3724035-10 Lighting wire bundle 1
255Б-3724059 Storage battery jumper 1
255Б-3724110 Signal bunched conductors 1
255Б-3724120-В Lights bunched conductors -
255Б-3724220-10 Road train number plate lights bunched conductors 1
255Б-3724221 Road train number plate bunched conductors 1
255Б1-3724030-20 Side member bunched conductors assembly 1
255Б1-3724040 Rear lights L.H. wire bundle 1
255Б1-3724041 Rear lights R.H. wire bundle 1
255В-3702010 Voltage governor 11,3702 -
255В-3724016-11 Alternator wire bundle -
255В-3724040 Rear lights L.H. wire bundle -
255В-3724041 Rear lights R.H. wire bundle -
255В1-3724030-10 Side member bunched conductors assembly -
255Л-3724118 Fog lights wire bundle 1
256-3704010 Master switch jumper 1
256-3724020 Starter bunched conductors 1
256-3724162-А Preheater main wire bundle -
256Б-3724035 Lighting bunched conductors 1
256Б-3724160-10 Preheater side member wire bundle 1
256Б-3724180 Underhood light wire 1
256Б-3747010 Signal relay PC512 1
256Б1-3724010 Main wire bundle assembly 1
257Б1-3724055 Instrument panel bunched conductors 1
258-3724062-Б2 Wire from batteries to starter relay 1
258-3724064-Б2 Wire from storage batteries to master switch 1
А24-2 Lamp (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -
А24-21 Lamp (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -
А24-21-2 Lamp (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -
А24-5 Lamp (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -
А24-60-40 Lamp (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -
АП110-3811010 Ammeter АП110 -
БМ146-3806000-А Fuel level indicator pickup БМ146A (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -
БМ146-3806600-А Fuel-level indicator pickup -
ВК26-3720000-А2 Instrument switch BK26-A2 -
ВК318-3704000 Storage batteries disconnect switch ВКЗ 18Б assembly -
ВК34-3720000 Air pressure reduction signaling lamps check switch BK34 -
ВК700-3726050 Side indicators lamps switch BK700 -
ВК856-3708000 Lock-switch BK856 -
Г228А-3701000 Alternator Г288A assembly (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -
Г288А-3701000 Alternator assembly -
МД101-3816010 Tyre inflation system pressure gauge МД101 1
МД103-3816010 Oil pressure gauge МД103 1
МД213-3810500-Г Pressure gauge МД213 1
ММ124Б-3810600 Air pressure reduction signaling pickup MM124Б 3
ММ125-3810600 Stop signal pneumatic pickup MM125 2
П105А-3709000-А Side indicators switch П105 with wires -
П305-3709000 Light central switch П305 1
П39-3710000 Light foot switch П39 1
П46-3710000-А Fog lights switch П46A -
ПД20-3803000-К Air pressure reduction signaling light ПД20K -
ПД20-3803000-Л Side indicator control lamp and road train number plate light ПД20Л 2
ПД308А-3715300 Underhood lamp ПД308A -
ПЖД44Б-1015410-В Starting preheater shield -
ПК201-3714010 Cab roof light ПК201Г -
ПП118-3713000 Instrument lights socket ПП118 (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 10
ПП2-3713000 Distance light control lamp socket ПП2 (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 1
ПР107-3722000 Protective unit ПР107 1
ПР13-3722000-А Protective unit ПР13A -
ПР2-3722000-Б Bimetal fuse ПР2Б 1
ПС1-3723000-А2 Three-terminal connecting panel ПС1-A2 -
ПС300А-3723100 Towing device socket ПС300A -
ПС5-3723000 Five-terminal connecting panel ПС-5 -
ПФ133-3712010-Б Front light assembly -
РС401-3726000-Г Side indicators relay PC401 -
РС530-3721000 Starter relay -
С306-3721000 Low-tone horn C306 -
С307-3721000 High-tone horn C307 -
СКП19-3710000-А2 Fuel level pickups switch П19A2 -
СКП20-3710000-А2 Instruments light, roof light and glass blower switch П20A2 -
СН-65-00-00 Heating plug -
СП135-3802010 Speedometer СП135 -
СТ103-3708000 Starter СТ103 -
ТМ100-3808000-Г Water temperature indicator pickup TM100 1
УБ125-3806010 Fuel level indicator transducer УБ125 1
УК143-3807010 Water temperature indicator transducer УК143 -
УП101-3726000-Б Side indicator or road train number plate lights 5
ФГ119-3711000-В Fog light ФГ119 -
ФГ122-3711000-Н Light ФГ-122H assembly 2
ФП12-3716000-Г Cab light ФП12 1
ФП133-3716010-Б Pressure-tight rear light ФП133Б 2
ФП134-3717010-Б Number plate light П134 1
ФР133-7904000-01 Noise filter ФР133 1