

 Main page | JMZ | General (look modifications)
YAMZ-238А, YAMZ-238B, and YAMZ-238Н (238-1723050-B) gearboxes reduction valve

Part Number Description Part count in models
201422-П29 Bolt M6x25 ------2222
238-1723050-Б Flow regulation valve (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ------1111
238-1723056-Б Flow regulation valve housing ------1111
238-1723060 Intake valve ------1111
238-1723065 Spring body ------1111
238-1723065 Spring body ------1111
238-1723066-Б Intake valve rod ------1111
238-1723068-Б Body cover ------1111
238-1723070-А Membrane ------1111
238-1723071-А Balancing spring ------1111
238-1723072 Washer ------1111
238-1723073 Adjusting washer ------3333
238-1723075 Plug ------1111
238-1723077 Cap nut ------1111
240-1030024 Screw stopper ------1111
252134-П2 Spring washer ------2222
312326-П34 Sealing washer ------1111
312382-П Sealing washer ------1111