


JMZ 238D and B
      [10] Engine
         Engine YAMZ-238D, YAMZ-238B with clutch and gearbox assy
         Cylinder block
         Cylinder head
         Piston and link
         Crankshaft and flywheel
         Distributing shaft
         Valves and lifters
         Gas-supply piping
         YAMZ-238B-1,YAMZ-238D-1(MAZ) and YAMZ-238B-3(MоAZ) engines oil housing
         YAMZ-238B-2,YAMZ-238D-2 and YAMZ-238B-5(KrAZ) engines oil housing
         Oil pump
         Oil filter
         Electric torch device
         Centrifugal oil purification filter
         Fuel pump drive
      [11] Engine feed system
         Fuel pipes
         Coarse filler
         Fuel-feed pump
         Rotation controller body
         Speed controller
         Smoke puff controller
         High-pressure fuel pump
         Inlet manifold
         Fuel fine filter
         Turbo-charger oil supply and offtake pipes
         Fuel injection timing device
      [13] Engine cooling system
         Cooling system thermostat and water pipes
         Water pump
      [16] Cratch
         Clutch YAMZ-238Н
         Clutch YAMZ-183
      [17] Gear controls
         YAMZ-238А,YAMZ-23B,YAMZ238МА,YAMZ-238К4 gearboxes
         YAMZ238А,YAMZ-238B gearboxes housing and oil pump
         YAMZ-238А,YAMZ-238B gearboxes shafts and gears
         YAMZ-238А,YAMZ-238B gearboxes gear controls
         Downshifting housing
         Downshifting shafts and gears
         Gear downshifting controls
         Gear downshifting controls cylinder
         Gear downshifting controls drive
         Gearbox reduction valve
         YAMZ-238М4,YAMZ-238К4 gearboxes housing and oil pump
         YAMZ-238М4,YAMZ-238К4 gearboxes shafts and gears
         YAMZ-238М4,YAMZ-238К4 gearboxes gear controls
         Splitter housing
         Splitter shafts and gears
         Splitter controls drive
  Electrical Equipment
      [37] Electrical Equipment
         Generators G273G and 17002.3771 assy
         Generator 273В1
         Generator 1702.3771
         Starter СТ 25
         Starter СТ 25
         Starter relay
         List of antifriction bearings
         Assembly parts and units