

 Main page | KrAZ | KrAZ 6510
Exhaust system

Part Number Description Part count in models
17 201456-П29 Bolt M8xl.25x20 1111
20 201495-П29 Bolt Ml0x1.5x20 1111
201499-П29 Bolt М10х1,5х30 (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -2--
27 201501-П29 Bolt М10х1,5х35 6666
25 201505-П29 Bolt М10х1,5х45 6666
22 201540-П29 Bolt М12х1,75х30 2222
10 201544-П29 Bolt М12х1,75х40 2422
30 201587-П29 Bolt М14х2х35 2222
7 210409-П29 Bolt М10х1,5х45 3444
1 250-1203010-01 R.H. intake pipe 1111
21 250-1203011-01 L.H. intake pipe 1111
33 250-1203012 Lower intake pipe 1111
24 250-1203026-10 Brake bracket 1111
32 250-1203064 Intake pipe bracket 1111
14 250-1203254 Gasket 2222
35 250-3570010-10 Auxiliary brake assembly 1111
19 250-3570322 Bushing 1111
8 250512-П29 Nut М10х1,5 15181616
4 250513-П5 Nut M10x1 18181818
12 250514-П29 Nut М12x1,75 2422
34 250Б-1203038 Gasket 3333
28 252006-П29 Washer 10 2222
23 252045-П29 Washer 12 2222
3 252136-П2 Spring washer 10 34373535
11 252137-П2 Spring washer 12 4644
31 252138-П2 Spring washer 14 2222
5 2566-1203002 Manifold flange gasket 2222
15 347214-П29 Screw-in angle piece K1/8" M10x1 1111
26 347813-П Binding clip 92,5 1222
6 347834-П Clip 89,5 1111
18 347978-П29 Pipeline cleat 6 1111
2 348561-П Bolt M10x1x38 18181818
36 6437-1203096 Compensator assembly 1111
29 6444-1201010 Silencer 1111
6444-1203013 Rear exhaust pipe (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --1-
39 6444-1203040 Silencer bracket 2222
37 6444-1203043 Silencer clip 2222
42 6505-8515188 Spring -1--
13 6510-1203042 Rear intake pipe 11--
9 6510-1203046 Pipe bracket 1111
16 6510-3570306 Pipeline 1111
40 651001-1203087 Pipe bracket -1--
38 651001-1203090 Clamp -1--
41 651001-8515185 Exhaust pipe assembly -1--
43 651001-8515189 Flange -1--
651006-1203042 Rear intake pipe (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --1-
65101-1203042 Rear intake pipe (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ----