

 Main page | JMZ | JMZ 236 NE, 236 BE, 7601.10
V-shaped high pressure fuel injection pump

Part Number Description Part count in models
12 1/03388/11 Dowel pin 10х22 --------2--
52 1/05166/77 Washer 08 --------6--
26 1/05168/77 Washer 010 --------12--
46 1/05174/71 Washer D20 --------1--
10 1/10877/76 Stop ring 05 --------1--
60 1/11977/71 Washer 06 --------2--
25 1/21647/21 Nut M10 --------12--
61 220102-П29 Screw М6х10 --------2--
45 236НЕ2-1111450 Demper coupling --------1--
38 312356-П29 Washer 8 --------4--
5 32.1111098 Protective housing --------2--
47 320-24003 Nut --------1--
54 320-31007 Plug М27х1,5 --------2--
56 320-35001 Key 6х9 --------1--
51 320-88145 Screw М8х20 --------6--
23 320-88164 Screw М8х19 --------6--
31 320-88620 Dowel pin2,9х13 --------6--
27 320-88727 Washer 010 --------12--
2 320-88802 Plug М20 --------2--
323.1111005-10 High-pressure fuel injection pump assy (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------1--
1 323.1111020 Pump case assembly --------1--
3 323.1111025 Pump case --------1--
37 323.1111028 Pin --------4--
28 323.1111039-01 Fuel pump section assy --------6--
17 323.1111055 Camshaft --------1--
53 323.1111056-30 Indicator --------1--
44 323.1111059-10 Drive half-coupling --------1--
15 323.1111180 R.H. rack --------1--
16 323.1111181 L.H. rack --------1--
324.1111005-10 High-pressure fuel injection pump assy (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------1--
324.1111039 Fuel pump section assy (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------6--
9 33.1110469 Spring lever pin --------1--
13 33.1111032 Screw stopper --------1--
57 33.1111042 Rack bushing --------4--
58 33.1111047-20 Housing plug --------4--
59 33.1111079-01 Jet --------1--
34 33.1111117-01 Block --------6--
7 33.1111126 Screw --------2--
11 33.1111400 Rack lever --------1--
42 33.1111418 Lock screw --------2--
29 33.1111575 Pusher foot --------6--
55 33.1112342 Seal ring --------2--
14 3321.1110676 Governor idler gear axle --------1--
8 335.1111410 Rack lever pin --------1--
49 337.1111072-21 Bearing front cap --------1--
22 337.1111074 Bearing rear cover --------1--
48 337.1111076 Gasket --------1--
50 337.1111090 Collar assy --------1--
30 337.1111110 Plunger pusher assy --------6--
33 337.1111114 Tappet --------6--
36 337.1111118 Roller --------6--
35 337.1111122-01 Bushing --------6--
32 337.1111124 Axle --------6--
62 338.1111140-20 Bypass valve assy --------1--
63 338.1111142-10 Valve body --------1--
67 338.1111143 Lock ring --------1--
66 338.1111147-10 Stop --------1--
65 338.1111148-10 Spring --------1--
68 338.1111149 Nut --------1--
4 356-72095 Stud М10х1,25х22 --------12--
64 37.1111144 Valve --------1--
18 6-7506А Roller bearings --------2--
19 78.1111077 Gasket --------2--
20 78.1111078 Gasket --------3--
21 78.1111079 Gasket --------2--
41 78.1111097 Bushing --------2--
39 840.1014576 Bolt --------2--
40 840.1014576-10 Bolt --------2--
6 870355-П29 Screw М6х32 --------2--
43 870455-П Washer 08 --------2--
24 870800-П Key 5х22 --------1--