

 Main page | KrAZ | KrAZ 256
KrAZ-257B1, KrAZ-258B1 fuel tanks and fuel tubes

Part Number Description Part count in models
201-1015624 Plug gasket -11
201-1105516 Filter body assembly -11
201-1105538 Filter element -11
201-1105550 Fuel filter cover -11
201-1105552-А Cover gasket -11
201-1117124 Finer plug -11
201418-П29 Bolt М6х1х16 -11
201422-П29 Bolt M6x1x25 -67
201458-П29 Bolt M8x1.25x25 -22
201460-П29 Bolt M8x1,25x30 -44
201493-П29 Bolt M10xl.5xl6 -11
201497-П29 Bolt M10x1.25x25 -22
202145-П29 Bolt М16х1,5х45 -88
204А-1105510-Б Fuel coarse filter assembly -11
214Б-1104474 Suction pipe flange gasket -22
214Б-3806026 Fuel-level indicator pickup gasket -22
250464-П29 Nut М5х0,8 -55
250508-П29 Nut M6-6H -1213
250510-П29 Nut M8 -22
250512-П29 Nut М10х1,5 -22
250558-П29 Nut M14x2 -88
250561-П29 Nut М16x1,5 -88
252004-П29 Washer 6 -22
252133-П2 Spring washer 5 -55
252134-П2 Spring washer 6 -1314
252135-П2 Spring washer 8 -22
252136-П2 Spring washer 10 -33
252139-П2 Spring washer 16 -88
256-1104120 Connecting hose assembly -11
256-1104469-01 Fuel intake with gauze and housing -11
256Б-1101008-В Fuel tank -11
256Б-1101065-03 Filler pipe filter -22
256Б-1101078 Drain cock plug -22
256Б-1101106-10 Bracket gasket -44
256Б-1101110 Fuel tank clip -44
256Б-1101115-20 Band pin -44
256Б-1103010-10 Fuel tank plug -22
256Б-1104085 Fuel pipe from coarse filter to hose -11
256Б-1104094 Pipe from hose to fuel feed pump -11
256Б-1104528 Adapter -11
256Б-1104536 Sealing washer -22
256Б-1104570 Connection hose -11
257-1101008 Fuel tank -11
257-1104209-А Pipe from injectors to tank -1-
257-1104469-12 Distributing cock with fuel intake assembly -11
257-1104485-11 Fuel intake assembly -11
257-1104492 Special nut -11
257-1104498-В Pipe from cock to coarse filter -1-
257-1104507-В Pipe from cock to L.H. tank -1-
257-1104508-В Pipe from L.H. tank to cock -1-
257-1104650 Distributing cock assembly -11
257-1104674 Sealing washer -44
257Б1-1104500 Pipe from fine filter to cock -1-
258-1104209 Pipe from injectors to tank --1
258-1104498-Б Pipe from cock to coarse filter --1
258-1104507-В Pipe from cock to L.H. tank --1
258-1104508-Б Pipe from L.H. tank to cock --1
258069-П29 Split cotter 5x36 -44
258Б1-1104500 Pipe from fine filter to cock --1
260-1101104 Fuel tank bracket -44
262542-П29 Plug K 1/4" -33
312482-П Washer 10,5 -11
314537-П29 Screw-in angle piece K 1/4"xM16x1,5 -22
314612-П29 Screw-in union K 1/4"xM16x1,5 -11
315406-П29 Air pipe cleat 8x10 -11
315408-П29 Cramp iron -11
315410-П29 Cramp iron -11
315414-П29 Cramp iron -22
316144-П29 Plug M10x1 -11
347464-П29 Screw-in union K 1/4"xM10x1 -11
347466-П29 Screw-in union -11
347486-П29 Through union 10 -22
347525-П29 Through union 8 -22
347837-П29 Clamp -24
347926-П29 Cramp iron 8 -21
347928-П29 Cramp iron 10 -11
349704-П29 Nut M24x1 -11
БМ146-3806600-ДТ Fuel-level indicator pickup -22