

 Main page | KrAZ | KrAZ 6443 (catalog 2004 y.)
Wiring arrangement

Part Number Description Part count in models
59 11.3704000 Switch of fuel heater and electric torch 2222
15 11.3741000 Electric torch solenoid valve 1111
83 11.3747010 Relay 991010
58 1102.3830010-0 Two-point pressure gauge 1111
6 111.3722000 Center fuse unit 1111
13 111.3740 Pin plug 2222
25 1112.5208000-02 Electric windshield washer 1111
28 113745 Valve electromagnet (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 44--
88 12.3741 Heat resistance 1111
67 12.3802010 Electric speedometer 1111
12 13.3839600 Air filter clogging signaling pickup 1111
7 15.3723000 Connecting panel 3311
47 1502-7904010 Condenser filter 1111
151.3747 Valve electromagnet (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --77
30 16.3741000 Air horn electric valve (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 11--
101 17.3734000 High-voltage source 1111
16 1702.3771 Generator 1111
90 171-3711010-ХЛ Spot light (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -1-1
33 2001.3843010 Electric speedometer pickup 1111
73 2101.3704000-10 Starter switch 1111
44 2212.3803-13 Cross-axle differential interlocking ON control lamp 1111
45 2212.3803-14 Interaxle differential interlocking OFF control lamp 1111
2212.3803-15 P.T.O. ON control lamp (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --11
39 2212.3803-17 Electric torch ON control lamp (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 1111
31 2212.3803-20 Air filter clogging control lamp 1111
27 2212.3803-22 Coolant emergency temperature control lamp 1111
26 2212.3803-23 Control lamp of oil pressure drop in engine 1111
29 2212.3803-24 Oil filter clogging control lamp 1111
41 2212.3803-34 Control lamp of air pressure reduction in trailer tyres (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 11--
46 2212.3803-35 Auxiliary gearbox engagement control lamp 1111
43 2312.3803-15 Control lamps unit with diodes 1111
38 2312.3803-16 Control lamps unit 1111
106 2412.3716010 Rear fog light 1111
11 25.3708000-01 Starter 1111
69 2531.3813010 Tachometer 1111
26.3712 Front marker light (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 2222
26.3726010 Front turn indicator (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 2-2-
9 260-7905010 Generator bunched conductors 1-1-
2601.3726010 Front turn indicator (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -2-2
9 260С-7905010 Generator bunched conductors -1-1
82 261.3747000 Starter interlocking relay 11--
2622.3747000 Starter interlocking relay (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 1111
48 2712.3702010 Relay-voltage governor 1111
23 32.3710 Emergency signalling switch 1111
42 34.5205010 Electric windshield wiper 1111
51 3403.3747000 Isolation diode 2222
3 342.3711010 Head lamp 2222
110 35.3716010 R.H. rear tight 1-11
110 3501.3716010 R.H. rear tight -1--
104 351.3716010 L.H. rear light 1-11
104 3511.3716010 L.H. rear light -1--
97 4402.3827600 Fuel-level indicator pickup 2222
443312311109 Rear marker light (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 2222
80 47К Portable lamp socket 1111
5102.3709 Additional heater switch (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -111
10 6437-3724012 Lighting bunched conductors 1-1-
32 6437-3724055 L.H. dashboard bunched conductors 1111
40 6437-3724056 Middle dashboard bunched conductors 1111
49 6437-3724068 Power bunched conductors 1-1-
5 6437-3724120 Lights bunched conductors 2---
34 6437-7905012 Electric speedometer bunched conductors 1-1-
10 643701-3724012 Lighting bunched conductors -1-1
49 643701-3724068 Power bunched conductors -1-1
5 643701-3724120 Lights bunched conductors -2--
34 643701-7905012 Electric speedometer bunched conductors -1-1
52 6443-3724010 Main bunched conductors 1-1-
50 6443-3724030-10 Side member bunched conductors 1---
54 6443-3724057 R.H. dashboard bunched conductors 1-1-
19 6443-3724089 Front shield bunched conductors 1-1-
52 644301-3724010 Main bunched conductors -1-1
50 644301-3724030-10 Side member bunched conductors -1--
54 644301-3724057 R.H. dashboard bunched conductors -1-1
19 644301-3724089 Front shield bunched conductors -1-1
65032-3718010 Lights luminous flux hydraulic corrector (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 1111
65032-3724030 Side member bunched conductors (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --1-
650321-3724030 Side member bunched conductors (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ---1
65055-3724120 Lights bunched conductors (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --2-
65055-3724420 Marker lights bunched conductors (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --1-
65055-3731010 Rear marker light (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --22
650551-3724120 Lights bunched conductors (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ---2
650551-3724420 Marker lights bunched conductors (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ---1
85 6510-3724160-02 Preheater main bunched conductors (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 1-1-
96 6510-3724162 Preheater main bunched conductors (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 1111
85 651001-3724160-02 Preheater main bunched conductors (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -1-1
95 6СТ-190А Storage battery 2222
75 А-24-2 Lamp 8888
60 АП171А-3811010 Ammeter 1111
94 ВК318Б-3704000 Master switch 1111
53 ВК343-3709000.01.08 Cab roof light switch 1111
55 ВК343-3709000.01.35 Switch of interaxle differential interlock solenoid-оperated valve 1111
61 ВК354-3704000 Prestarting preheater switch (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 1111
102 ВК403 Reverse signalling switch 11--
ВК412 Parking brake system switch (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --11
68 ВК416Б-3709000-01 Dashboard light switch with rheostat 1111
103 ВК418А-3716000 Signalling circuit switch 4477
20 Датчик засоренности масляного фильтра Oil filter clogging pickup 1111
37 КБП-Ф Feed-through capacitor 2222
86 КТ127-3750000 Prestarting heater contactor (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 1111
21 ММ111Д-3810600 Oil emergency pressure pickup 1111
89 ММ124Д-3810600 Pickup of parking brake system engagement, first circuit air pressure reduction, spare circuit air pressure reduction 4433
24 ММ125Д-3810600 Auxiliary brake system and stop signal pickup 2233
22 ММ370-3829010-УХЛ Oil-pressure indicator pickup 1111
35 МЭ250-3730000 Heaters electric motor 3333
100 МЭ252 Prestarting heater motor (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 1111
Нагревательные элементы обогревных стекол Windshields heating elements (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -1-1
77 П145-3726000 Light and turn indicators combined switch 1111
63 П147-3709000.02.13 Fuel level pickup switch 1111
66 П147-3709000.04.03 Switch of fog lights and rear fog light 1111
57 П147-3709000.04.11 Motor mode selector switch 1111
65 П147-3709000.06.16 Road train lights and spot light switch 1111
72 П147-3709000.09.09 Electric windshield wiper switch 1111
56 П150-3709000.06.14 Cross-axle differential interlocking switch 1111
70 П150-3709000.14.10 Electric windshield washer switch 1111
П300 Heater switch (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -1--
П305 Heated windshields switch (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -1-1
78 П602-3709210-УХЛ Transmission and P.T.O. switch (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 1122
17 ПД308Б-3715300-У Underhood illumination light 1111
92 ПК201-3714010-Д Cab roof light 1111
64 ПР118Б-3722000-01 Fuse, 2A 1111
79 ПРИ2-3722000 Fuse unit 2222
93 ПС315-3723100-А Outer start socket 1111
108 ПС325-3723100 Trailer power socket 22--
109 ПС400-3723000 Portable lamp socket 1111
РС-404 Overtemperature relay (Unit/Part is not on the picture) -1--
99 РС335 Heater valve electromagnet (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 11--
84 РС493-3803010-УХЛ Parking brake system relay-interrupter 1122
81 РС530-3721000 Starter relay 1111
76 РС531-3721000 Hummer 1111
87 РС951А-3726010-УХЛ Turn indicators and alarm signalling relay 1111
С306Г-3721000 Low-tone horn C306Г (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --11
8 С306Г/С307Г-3721000 Horns set 1111
36 СЭ300-8102100 Series resistor 3333
18 ТМИ1-3808000 Water emergency temperature pickup 1111
14 ТМЮОВ-3808000-0 Water temperature indicator pickup 1111
62 УБ170М-3806010 Fuel-level indicator 1111
74 УК170М-3810010 Oil pressure indicator 1111
71 УК171М-3807010 Water temperature indicator 1111
1 УП101-3726000-Б Side indicator or road train number plate lights 2-2-
91 УП101-3726000-В Road train number plate light 3---
1 УП101-3726000БХЛ Turn indicator side follower -2-2
91 УП101-3726000ВХЛ Road train number plate light -3--
4 ФГ152А-3743010 Fog light 2222
105 ФП135-3716010-Б Reverse light 2222
98 ЭН22-3741010 Fuel heater of prestarting heater (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 1111